Monday, June 28, 2010

we are finally out of misery, i mean missouri

hello dear followers,

yes, i am not capitalizing...i don't like to...i can't coordinate the shift key with the letter key and it makes me there.

so we got up as quickly as we could without the help of the fire alarm and just had to head back onto the historic franklin downtown. yes there was a starbucks near our hotel but we made the 10 minute drive to franklin anyway.

part of the beautiful drive through the new part of franklin.

the outskirts of town. this is a huge horse ranch.

same horse ranch.

downtown franklin

jimmy was our first driver for the day. between jimmy, jenn, tom and me we did about 9 hours of driving. not too bad with so many drivers.

second state of the day!

we stopped at taco bell cuz jenn was starving. once again we were stared at. we can't figure it out, it's like we are from mars or something. come to think of it jenn was wearing a 'save the tatas' t-shirt....humm. i did have a nice conversation with a kentucky-ite while in line. he was a very nice gentleman and we had quite a long conversation since things move at an entirely different speed in kentucky. i think this is where the saying 'as slow as molasses in january' came from. we did enjoy one thing on this wasn't very humid! it was still 90 degrees or something but it actually felt cool! this helicopter was 'parked' out front. cool, i wish i could take my helicopter to taco bell.

this is a cool bridge over the river that goes between kentucky and illinois (someone tell me which one, i have forgotten, too many rivers, too many cities, too many highways, too many miles etc. etc....) anyway, it's a cool bridge...

and it took us into our 3rd state of the day, illinois!

driving, driving, driving....

so there was this red spot in the clouds (and some yellow which didn't pick up as well) and this was in the middle of the day....weird.

st. louis arch.

and our 4th state, missouri.

from a distance st. louis is beautiful...up close not so much :0(

it looked like everyone up and left and the place is literally falling down. this wasn't a small area, it went on for miles. does anyone know the history of this area? and people were still living amongst this....weird.

pretty sky (obviously). have i mentioned that the co-pilot has to have the camera ready at all times to snap shots as we go along?

more prettiness.

ta da! our 5th state of the day, kansas!

kansas city.

boredom in the car and yes andrew's hair is getting long!


and this is the way that he walked into the, we aren't from california! go ahead and stare!!

so here we are in kansas nicely tucked into our hotel room. tom and the boys have gone swimming and it's time to go night night. tomorrow we head to colorado springs! another long day but the scenery will be beautiful!!!

good night!

see you on the road!


p.s. i could only think of the descriptive terms of 'cool' and 'weird'...sorry...that's weird...i guess i am tired.


  1. Boy are your driving fast. Winnie does not know that you are coming home. I do not have the heart to tell him that his Doggie Summer Camp is just about to end. He has his routine down pat and is very well behaved. Don't get any ideas of getting us a Winnie. We are happy to just rent him now and then.

    It is very hot today, around 100. It is especially hot when one has a furry heater attached to her hip most of the time.

    Andrew's hair looks nice in a pony tail. Don't know why people stare at you guys. Maybe it is the plaid bermuda shorts. Perhaps, they don't know what Tatas are.

    Enjoyed once again, the pictures taken today. The skies are so pretty and you got some really good shots.

    I am going to bed with my favorite heater and hope that I do not roast.

    Oh, yes, tomorrow is my day with the dermatologist. I hope that he is kind to me does a good job.

    Gotta get some sleep, so nightie, night.



  2. I think that was the Golden Gate Bridge.

  3. your pictures are fabulous! Just Fabulous!

  4. Hey Fenners - fabulous pics - just fab -- don't need caps :)

    The spot in the Illinois sky is Dorothy trying to get back to Kansas - I know - remember this is (well, was) MY state you were blitzing thru!

    I understand the urge tho - bet ya'll are hearing them thar hills calling, huh? Gorgeous time of the year to be doing this -- some day I'll tell ya why you wouldn't want to head west (sliiiiide west on that ice) from Chicago to Denver in DECEMBER on US 80 with your 1 yr old son tethered to the back seat (that's what they used 40 years ago - kids were tethered.) The mind reels -- almost as bad as the rooster tale from your VERY brave staff at the farm.

    Happy traveling and enjoy those mountains!


  5. marge: so was this our pastor that was tethered to the back seat while slipping and sliding to denver??? :oD why does this mental picture make me laugh????

  6. those sky pics are amazing.
    andrew is quite adorable in a pony tail
    you guys are almost home.
