Saturday, June 19, 2010

the dog ate my homework

so i have been 'uploading' pictures for quite awhile now just to discover that these are the only pictures that actually made it thru cyberspace to blogspot. is getting late and i am not happy with blogspot so i will post these pictures with a promise to work on this again tomorrow...ok?....ok!

we are still in navarre, fl, right on the beach of a little bay. we visited the eglin air armament museum today. it was very well done. these happen to be the pictures that loaded so you can enjoy them until tomorrow.

this is the first C-130 ever produced, "the first lady"

this is a butterfly on the gun of the first lady. please note that some of its spots are shaped as hearts. ironic that such a peaceful bug would light on such a huge gun barrel.

jenn with the memorial to all the canines that serve in the military.

hot girl in front of a hot plane.

state flags.

flight simulator.

hot girl in front of a hot helo.

jimmy and jenn in front of a F16.

stay tuned for an update from jenn tomorrow....if we don't all freeze to death tonight cuz the boys had cranked on the a/c so high.

thanks for reading!

see you on the road,



  1. Winnie and I have been sitting up late to read your blog. We are very tired and so glad that you did not forget to send one. We need our beauty sleep.

    No lightning today, I hope. I also hope that Tom is much better. We are all well, just Winnie and I are getting fatter and fatter. Had Pumpkin pie with ice cream for dessert. I think it was left over and in the freezer from either Easter or Christmas. Good anyway. Winnie loved it. Just kidding.

    Night, night,
    GaGa, Papa, and Winnie

  2. Classy place!! I like it. JB

  3. haha freeze to death . . . im so sure.

    and im so jealous.
