Thursday, July 1, 2010

rolling, rolling, rolling, keeps those fenners rolling!

hello faithful followers!

So i have some catching up to do. the lovely motel that we stayed in last night had wifi but jenn and i had run clean out of energy. we did make a number of friends while sleeping...fleas! yes jenn and i awoke with multiple bites on our ankles and feet, lovely! so we got up and out of ely as quick as possible. for those of you who have made the ride on the 'loneliest highway' you will know what a beautiful drive it is between ely and carson city! the good news is that what is lacking in color outside the windows is more than compensated for inside the windows! we have truly loved our trip and each other for the last who knows how many days!

now for the catching are the pictures that i didn't take the time to post...

the mine in idaho springs

the radio station in idaho springs...
the goat!!!!

downtown idaho springs

we ate breakfast here. it was a riot. the waiter was completely dead pan. he would yell from behind the counter at customers (including us). he was super funny tho and the food was good. again, a great local place, i don't think they get many tourists in there.

a police car

here is what we looked at for about 17 hours over two days. it is amazing at the variety of God's creation...and this was only a 2 day drive's worth.

the clouds are for you dana!!!

don't you love these dana??!!

jenn's a great book about a military doctor in iraq. andrew already read it (and 2 other books).

this was an interesting incident...i was trying to put my arm under jimmy's and he thought i was trying to tickle him....well he bite a hole in my shirt!! see...the pink fabric in his mouth???

it was very funny...except for the hole in my shirt!

like i said, we keep ourselves entertained!!

the endless road to nowhere!! well it felt like we weren't even moving at times.

shhhhh! we're sleeping...

yeah! nevada! only one state away from home!

we have gotten the gas station stop thing down to a science: someone gases up, someone cleans the windshield (to perfection), the garbage is taken out (our car is very clean inside!) and everyone potties!! snacks and drinks are optional.

in eureka (NV, not CA) they have individual yellow ribbons for their deployed citizens. super cool!


it was a llloonnng way between 'rest'stops. this is jimmy waving at passing cars while 'resting'.

jimmy has truly mastered reading in the car!!

a 'rest stop'!!! (and yes we stopped)

salt flats

yeah!!!! 'our' lake! within a few miles we went from desert to glorious green mountains!!!!!


so tonight we are tucked into our huge suite at the Marriott Grand Residence at south shore (thanks gaga!!!). we plan on enjoying the sunshine at the pool in the morning before making the incredibly short drive to HOME!!!

we will do one last blog to wrap everything up and to give you all the final statistics, so don't forget to come back and check up on us!!

see you on the road,


1 comment:

  1. yay! super excited.
    1. as usual i love all the sky pictures. they are amazing.
    2. salt flats are amazing.
    3. charger cop car - fantastic.
    4. jimmy is a goat.
    5. my face hurts.
    6. out of all the fenner clothes i liked jimmys overalls the best. your pj pants were super sofy too.
